Banana Almond Ice Cream w/ Matcha Lavender


For a hot summer day or if you just have a a bit of a sweet tooth going on - this recipe is a healthy alternative to ice cream if you don’t want dairy or filler ingredients! The best part? You can add whatever toppings you want, but this combo below is pretty spot on.

The mastermind behind this recipe is @duendefood , click HERE to check out her page and give her a follow!

Here’s how to make it:


  • 1.5 frozen bananas (it’s important that they are frozen so they get creamy when blended)

  • 1 tbs Matcha Lavender almond butter

  • Add a bit of milk or water to help it blend depending on your blender and the texture of the bananas

  • Once it’s blended to the desired texture, remove from the blender and serve immediately.

    Top with:
    Anything you like✨


  • pistachios

  • thawed raspberries and blueberries

  • candied ginger

  • chocolate

Let us know if you try this one out and how you like it!

Marcede Sebelius