10 ways to use almond butter

Have you ever had a jar of nut butter and used like ¼ of it then been like “what am I gonna do with all this…?”

Well I can’t relate, but I can HELP. I get asked probably more than anything, “what do you do with this” “is it JUST a spread?” There is actually sooo much that you can do with almond butter, especially our flavoured ones. I’ve compiled some of my favourite things to do with our Nutritiously Infused almond butters in hopes that you are inspired to get a little creative with your little jar of goods as well.

1.       As a spread

So I had to start with the obvious. Hence the name of the company, our almond butters are used primarily as a spread. We make sure they’re ground to the perfect consistency to easily be spread on things like toast, bagels, pancakes, waffles, rice cakes, muffins, English muffins, you name it! If you find that your jar has a little bit of oil separation at the top, give it a good stir to get that perfect spreading consistency back!

2.       With fresh fruit

This is one of my personal faves. I’m on the go like 90% of the time and I love being active, so sometimes I need a snack that has a bit of an extra kick to it, just to make sure I’m getting in all the nutrients I can throughout the day, while still being able to enjoy my food! For a mid-morning or afternoon snack, I love having bananas or apple slices dipped in almond butter. If I have a bit more time, I’ll cut up apples and bananas and throw them into a bowl with some berries and drizzle almond butter on top and have it as breakfast or a snack during the day. If you want something a little sweeter, you could drizzle honey on top as well… and luckily there is no shortage of local honey companies here in Manitoba! My favourite flavours to use for this are Lucuma Turmeric and Matcha Lavender.

3.       In oatmeal

I’m realizing now that I could say “this is my favourite” for each and every one of these ideas… so I’ll just spare you that boredom and let you know now that I love using our almond butters in all 10 of these ways. But oatmeal is probably one I do most often. I buy plain instant oats, boil some hot water, mix it in with the oats, then I add about a tablespoon of almond butter to it and mix it really well until it has a nice thick and smooth consistency. This is an amazing way to add a bit of flavour and nutrients to your morning oats. My favourite flavour for this is Acai Blueberry.

4.       A sauce or salad dressing ingredient

This is where things get real fancy. Almond butter makes a fantastic base for a sauce or salad dressing! My favourite flavours to use for these are Spirulina Coconut and Beet Ginger, but there’s so many varieties that you can create. If you’re in need of a bit more inspo… Eats by Cede, my virtual recipe book includes 10 plant-based, savoury recipes that use all six flavours of our almond butters. And probably like 80% of them are sauces or dressings. Check out our “shop” page where it’s available for purchase and download.

5.       Energy bites or protein bars

I haven’t personally done this one a lot, but I get people telling me all about how they made delicious energy bites and protein bars out of their favourite flavour! These are a wonderful meal prep idea, if you’re into that, or perfect for kids lunches, on the go snacks, pre workout or post workout. Cacao Maca is a popular flavour for either energy bites or protein bars!

6.       Cookies!!

Okay, I think this one is probably my favourite for real…. I love cookies. I love making them, I love eating them, I love experimenting with new recipes for them, I just love everything about them. And lucky for you, I have a simple, delicious almond butter cookie recipe posted over on my “recipes” page. My favourite flavour to use for these is Matcha Lavender, but of course Cacao Maca would be great too.

7.       Mixed with yogurt

I love a good coconut or almond based yogurt. And a spoonful of almond butter and some berries is a great way to bulk it up if you’re wanting something a bit more filling! Flavours that can be used for this are Acai Bluberry, Matcha Lavender, Lucuma Tumeric, or whatever your favourite is!

8.       In smoothies

Adding a spoonful of almond butter to a smoothie is like the ice cream to a chocolate cake. Once you try it you’ll probably feel like any other smoothie is missing something without it. My favourite smoothie ingredients are ½ frozen banana, frozen blueberries, almond milk, vanilla protein powder, spinach, and a spoonful of almond butter (Spirulina Coconut, Acai Blueberry, or Lucuma Turmeric)! It’s also a great smoothie bowl topper too.

9.       AB and J

Okay I know there’s some sort of “home-y” feeling to a PB and J sandwich on white bread… but almond butter seriously changed the whole PB and J game for me. Add a spoonful to a piece of whole grain or sourdough bread and slather on some chia seed jam or a fresh local fruit spread for a filling and comforting lunch! If you want to fancy it up, spread on a bit of vegan margarine on the outsides and grilled each side for a few minutes (like grilled cheese, but AB and J style). SO good.

10.   To make almond milk

This one was a new idea brought to me by one of my fave local food bloggers, @biteofwpg. Add a spoonful of your favourite flavour with some water and dates or vanilla extract for sweetening to a blender, and blend until everything is mixed and VOILA. Homemade almond milk. My favourite way to do this is to use Lucuma Turmeric with water and dates. You can add a cup of coffee (or espresso shot) instead of water in there too if you want a makeshift homemade almond milk latte (it’s super frothty and delicious).

So I could probably go on and on about ideas on how to use your almond butter, but I hope these few gave you a good idea and a bit of inspiration! If you’re super into cooking and want to get super creative in the kitchen, check out Eats by Cede for some delicious, healthy plant-based recipes.

Also, leave any other ideas you may have in the comments below! ❤

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