Why Fair Trade Cashews?


We have FINALLY launched the beginning of our NEW cashew butter line! YAY! We are so excited that we can now bring you our nutritiously infused nut butter in cashew form.

We are also thrilled to let you know that our new partner, Umano, who works directly with the Kenedougou Agricultural Cooperative (Coopake) in Burkina Faso, provides us with organic + fair trade cashews.

You may be wondering why organic + fair trade cashews are so important to us, and why we think it’s important to let you know.

We have been wanting to create a cashew butter line for years, but were reluctant to move forward with it because of the inhumane environment and mistreatment towards workers in hulling centers. We LOVE cashews, but only recently learned the horrible impact that the processing can have on people.

What causes the inhumanity and mistreatment?

The cashews are hulled by HAND and the shells of the nut contain an acid that burn their hands. The employees in hulling centers are usually not provided with protection.

These employees jeopardize their health and suffer daily just to make a living wage.

So in an effort to protect the people of our planet, while continuing to promote a nutritious product, all of our Cashew Butter is produced with organic + fair trade cashews.

So what does this mean to the employees that hull our cashews by hand?

The Fairtrade certification requires that their hands are coated in vegetable oil to prevent burns caused by the acid. This, combined with preheating + followed by 24 hours of cooling the in-shell nuts ensures that the acid does not cause injuries to the nut hullers.

People employed by Kenedougou Agricultural Cooperative also work in safe conditions and are paid according to the legal standards of the country. (Umano)

“Like any Fairtrade certified product, Fairtrade cashews integrate social and environmental costs in the calculation of its price.” (Umano)

Spreads by Cede is so happy that we came across Umano and love that our values are aligned. You can now enjoy our new flavour made with organic + fair trade cashews, Chaga Vanilla Cashew Butter.

Information sourced from:

Clean hands for Fairtrade, Umano, https://fairtrade.ca/en-CA/Stay-in-touch/Blog/2020/April/Umano.html