Overnight Oats w/ Almond Butter

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If you’re looking for a way to reuse your old almond butter jars, and need a quick, healthy breakfast recipe, look no further!!! Our jars are the perfect size for making overnight oats in.

What you need:

-1/3 cup rolled oats

-1 tbsp chia seeds

-dash of cinnamon

-1 tbsp Spreads by Cede almond butter (flavour of choice)*

-1/2 cup oat milk

-Desired fruit toppings

*if you’re nearly done your jar of almond butter, you can just add all the other ingredients to the jar and skip adding the tbsp of almond butter since it is already in there! It’s the perfect way to use up that last little bit and to make sure none of it goes to waste!

What to do:

1.    In a jar, add the rolled oats, chia seeds, cinnamon, nut butter and a splash of milk.

2.    Mix together until they are combined, then add the rest of the milk.

3.    Add your desired fresh fruit to the top and close the lid.

4.    Leave the jar in the fridge overnight, or for a few days until you’re ready to eat it.

5.    Enjoy it for a quick, healthy and filling breakfast!

Let us know if you try this out and how you like it!